Day 587 – trying to resurface

Today I ran 6.5 miles at an 11 min pace. It was my longest run in a month, and it was hard. But I did it. I didn’t track my eating, but I’m happy with my food choices.

It’s been an ugly, ugly month. I’ve spent most of it feeling like I’m drowning. Maybe with time, I’ll explain more, but today, this post is my victory.

I’ve had my head above water for 1 day, now.

Day 563 – January Summary

Well, I think we can call January a complete failure. I had 4 goals:

  1. Track everything I eat every day – DONE! Yep, this one I managed, and it was a good habit to get back into – even if I overate every day.

    This is a graph of my NET calories. Even with my running, I was over my goal almost every single day!


  2. Run 22 times – NOPE! Between an ice storm and some knee troubles, I only managed to pull of 17 runs. I did learn that I really like this goal, though. I didn’t think about it when I set it, and I didn’t pay much attention to it during the month. I think for February, this will actually be one of my main goals, though. I can totally meet a goal like this, even if I need to ease up the mileage or get stuck on the treadmill. If I’d been paying closer attention, I’d probably have sucked it up and hit the treadmill (if only for a mile or two) several times more than I did.
  3. Run 105 miles – HAHAHAHA! No, nope not even close! The aforementioned ice and injury dragged me down to just 79 miles for the month – which is super sad when you consider that I pulled of between 85 & 90 miles in Oct, Nov, and Dec when I was NOT training for a half marathon!
  4. See my weight go down – This goal isn’t super specific, because I really didn’t care   how much it went down, I just wanted to end the month weighing less than I started it. And yet, this was also a complete FAIL. I actually ended the month weighing MORE than I started (though that final weigh in was a perfect storm of dehydration, a week off running, mother nature, and Mexican food the night before).
  5. jan-weight

    Last week, the scale actually read 160.4. I was so upset, I didn’t even take a picture of it!

    I must say that I do feel like February is already off to a better start!